FBI aggressively probing attack on Indian Consulate US intel agency director

FBI aggressively probing attack on Indian Consulate US intel agency director

The Fedral Bureau of Investigation (FBI) stands as the premier federal law enforcement agency in the united states, with a rich history and multifaceted mission. Established in 1908, the FBI has evolved to become a symbol of national security and justice. Headquartered in Washigton, D.C., the bureau operates under the leadership of a Director and is organized into various divisions and field offices across the country.

Tasked with upholding and enforcing federal Laws, the FBI’s mission encompasses a broad range of responsibilities, including combating terrorism, counterintellengence efforts, and conducting criminal investigations. Its dedicated agents work tirelessly address complex and high profile cases that impact the nation’s security and well being. The FBI’s commitment to upholding the rule of law and ensuring public safety has solidified its reputation as a pivotal force in the realm of law enforcement, both nationally and internationally.

The Federal Burea of Investigaion (FBI) serves as the primary federal law enforcement agency in the United States and operates under the jurisdiction of the department of Justice. The FBI’s core mission is multifacted, encompassing a variety of crucial responsibilities.

Upholding Fedaral Laws:

Enforcing and Upholding the laws of the united states at the Federal level.


Detecting, preventing and responding to terrorist threats and activities, both domestic and international.

Counter Intellengence:

Safeguarding the nation from espionage, intelligence activities, and other threats posed by foreign entities.

Criminal Investigations:

Conducting investigations into a wide range of criminal activities, including organized crime, public corruption, cybercrime, and white-collar crime.


Addressing and combating cyber threats, including hacking, online fraud, and other digital crimes.

Public Corruptions:

Investigating and prosecuting cases involving corruption and misconduct with public institutions.

Civil Rights Enforcement:

Protecting individuals civil rights by investigating and addressing cases of hate crimes, human trafficking and discrimination.


Safeguarding the nation’s critical infrastructure from cyber threats, ensuring the resilience of key systems.

Intelligence Gathering:

Collecting analyzing and sharing intelligence with other law enforcement agencies to enhance national security.

Crisis Response:

Responding to critical incidents, emergencies, and crises such as kidnapping or hostage situations.

The FBI’s activities are extensive and diverse, reflecting its commitment to maintain national security, upholding the rule of law and ensuring the safety and well being of the American people.

The US official’s visit to india comes against the backdrop of and alleged plot to kill a pro-Khalistan leader on American soil

FBI director Christopher Wray met CBI chief praveen sood on Monday to discuss key issues such as the extradition of suspects wanted by india an cyber enabled financial crimes, with the US officia’s visit coming against the backdrip of an alleged plot to kill a pro-Khalistan leader on American soil.

The director of the Federal Bureau of Investigaion is expected to hold separate meeting with the heads of the Central Bureau of Investigation, National Investigation Agency (NIA), intelligence Bureau and Research & Analysis wing, and National Security Adviser Ajith Doval, and visit the Delhi Police headquarter during his three-day visit.

Sood and Wray, people familiar with the matter said, discussed multiple issues, including the extaradition of suspects wnated by India, faster responses to India’s Judicial requests seeking information in cases, cyber enabled financial crimes, and enhancing cooperation to counter terrorism and organised crimes.

Wray visited the CBI headquarters on Monday afternoon and also interacted with other senior officers of the agency.

“The meeting focused on strenghtening exchange of information on criminal matters, for improved coordinataion in combating transnataional crimes and sharing of expertise in investigation of technology enabled crime. Bothe agencies recognised the challenges posed by organised crime networks, cyber enabled financial crimes, ransomware threats, economic crimes and transnational crimes. The need to expedite sharing of evdience and for closer assistance in bringing criminals and fugitives to face justice was deliberated. It was also discussed to exchange best practices of FBI Academy, Ghaziabad, CBI spokesperson said in a statement.

Director Wray’s Visit signifies a step towards deepening cooperation and shared commitment to combat crime in all its manifestation in the spirit of international police cooperation. Both agencies agreed to look forward to future interactions and collaborative intiatives, the spokesperson said.

The people cited above said on condition of anonymity that wray’s meetings with indian officials are expected to focus on topics under four broad pillars homelands security training and capacity building, extrdition of persons wanted by India, and the activities of pro-khalistan operatives in the US.

Within the context of homeland security the issues of indian nationals attempting to illegally enter the US through the country’s southern border and the deportation of the individuals detained during such attempis are expected to figure in the interactions, the people said.

Against the backdrop of growing cooperation between India and the US on security releated issues, there has also been an increase in training and capacity building, the people said. This includes more cooperaion in matters such as exercises anad training of personnel, one of the people said.

The extradition from the US of suspects wanted by India is expected to figure inseveral of Wray’s meetings in New Delhi, the people said. As reported by HT, the extradition of 2008 Mumbai attacks co-conspirator Tahawwur Rana from the US is expected to be one of key topics of that NIA chief Dinkar GUpta will take up with the Wray.

As US court ordered the extradition of the pakistani origin canadian business man to india in may, but Rana was given time to file a motion against the judgement. Rana is accused of conspiring with David Coleman Headley in the planning of the Mumbai attacks, during which 166 people were killed by a 10 member team of terrorists form pakistan based Lashkar- e -Taiba

The activities of pro-Khalistan elements and an indictment filed by US prosecutors in a federal court in manhattan last month, which alleged an indian government employee who described himself as a senior field officer responsible for intelligence had ordered the assassination of Sikhs of Justice (SFJ) leader Grupatwant Singh Pannun, are also expected to figure in Wray’s meetings, the people said.

US principal deputy national security advisor jonathan Finer, who visited New Delhi earlier this month, had informed his Indian interlocutors of the importance of Holding accountable anyone found responsible for allegedly plotting to kill Pannun on American soil.

External affairs minister S Jaishankar told Parliament last week that India has set up an inquiry committee to look into inputs provided by the US in connection with the alleged plot to kill the Khalistani leader because the matter has bearing on the national security. The US inputs were of concern to India because they related to the nexus of organised crime, trafficking and other matters, he said.

Unlike CIA, there is no Indian organisation that can be described as a counterpart to FBI and this is one of the reason why the FBI chief is meeting people from several Indian organisations, the person cited above said.

“Issues of mutual cooperation , sharing of information in critical cases, joint operations, mutual legal assistance treaty and extradition, including those of Tahawwur Rana and Grupatwant singh Pannum,will be part of the discussions, an official told HT on sunday.

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