Human Rights Day Statement by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union

Human Rights Day Statement by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union

What is European union

European Union is a political and economic union of members state located primarily in Europe. The EU was established with the aim of fostering economics cooperation and preventing another devastating conflict in Europe following world war ||. The union has evolved over the years and now comprises 27 member countries.

Key features of the European Union Include:

Single Market: The EU operates a single market, allowing for the free movement of goods, services, capital, and people among member states. This promotes economic integration and trade.

Customs Union: Member countries participate in a customs union , which means they have a common external tariff on goods, imported from outside the EU. This facilitates trade among EU countries and present a unified trade policy to the rest of the world.

Euro Currency: A significant number of EU member states have adopted the euro as their common currency. This currency union is known as the Eurozone.

Political Integration: The EU has institution such as the European parliament, the European commission, and the Council of the European Union that play roles in shaping policies and legislation.

Schegen Area: Many EU countries participate in the schengen Area, which eliminates border controls for passport free travel accross paritcipating countries.

Common Policies: The EU has common policies in vaious areas, including agriculture, fisheries, competition, and regional development.

Enlargement: The EU had expanded over time through the accession of new member states. candidate countries must meet specific criteria related to democracy, rule of law, and economic stability before joining.

What European Union Do Actually ?

The European Union EU has various functions and objectives aimed at promoting cooperation and integration among its member states. Here are some of the key purposes and activities of the European Union.

Economic Cooperation: The EU seeks to create a single market, eliminating barriers to the free movement of goods, services, capital and people among member states. This facilitates trade and economic cooperation.

Currency Union : Several EU member states have adopted the euro as their common currency, forming the Eurozone. This currency union aims to promote economic stability and facilitate cross-border transcations.

Peaace and Stability: One of the primary goals of the EU is tto maintain peace and stability in Europe. The union was intially founded in the aftermath of the world war|| to prevent future conflicts among European nations.

Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP): The EU works toward a common approach to foreign policy and security issues: This includes diplomatic efforts, conflict prevention, and crisis management.

Enlargement: The EU has Expanded ove the years by admitting new menber states that mmet specific criteria related to democracy, human rights, and economics stability. The enlargement Process aims to extend the benefitwss of EU membership to more countries.

Research and Innovation: The EU supports research and innovation through programs such as Horizon Europe, which funds scientific and technological advanements.

Environmental and Social Policies: The EU develops and implements policies to address environmental challenges, promote sustainable development, and protect social rights. This includes initiatives releated to climate change, energy, and social justice.

Human Rights: The EU promotes and protects human rights within its member states and in its external relations. The charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union Outlines key rights and principles.

Common Agriculture Ploicy (CAP): The EU has a common policy for agriculture to ensure the sustainability and competitiveness of European agriculture, support farmers, and promote rural development.

Justice and Home Affairs: The EU collaborates on issues related to justice, police cooperation,

and border control to address common security concerns and ensure the rule of law.

Its important to note that the EU operates through a complex system of institutions, Including the European commission, The European Parliament, the council of the Europen Union, and others, each playing specific roles in the decision making process. Additionally, the goals and activities of the EU can evolve over time based on the challenges and opportunities facing the union.

Human Rights Day Statement by the Highe Representative on behalf of the European Union

On Human Rights Day, the European Union joins the world in celebrating the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). This landmark document laid the foundation for our global human rights system as well as national laws and international treaties protecting and promoting human rights, including the ECHR in Europe. It remains as valid and crucial today as it was 75 years ago.

Human rights transcend borders and cultures. They are inherent to every individual human being without distinction. While substantial progress has been achieved over the past 75 years, crises continue to multiply, and too often it is women, children and persons in vulnerable situations bearing the heaviest burden of the consequences of war and conflict.

Respecting, Protecting and fulfilling human rights is essential for fostering justice and accountability, and to end impunity. This is one of the founding values and principles of the EU. We are steadfastly committed. The EU will also continue to condemn human rights violations and abuses, breaches of international humaniatarian law, discrimiantion, shringking civic space and attacks on democracy and media freedom wherever they occur.

Together with the 75th Year of UDHR, we also mark the 30th year of the vienna Declaration and programme of Action, and 25th year of the Declaration on Human Rights Defenders acknowledgingtheir crucial role as actors of positive change workingfor the promotion and realisation of the human rights. The UDHR remains more relevant than ever standing us in good stead for another 75 years and beyond as we apply its principles to meet the current challenges in our ever more digital world already grapping with the impacts of climate change.

It is our collective duty to uphold and advance the human rights of each and every person around the globe. As we celebrate this milestone, the European Union reaffirms its commitment to the UN charter standing together with the United Nations and the office of the High Commissioner realisation human rights worldwide. In line with the objective of leaving no one behind, the EU also reaffirms its commitment to promoting a human rights-based approach to development cooperation.

Human rights are not mere words on paper, they are universall applicable legal norms. They are the foundation of peace and the avenue toward a more, just equal and inclusive society for today tomorrow and generation to come.

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